Kāhua Māmā
He maamaa, he maamaa te hoahoa Tough and Tough
Kāhua Māmā Mou anake
Te Tinana Pounamu: Pounamu Porotakaro me te Hoahoa Plaid
Pounamu Pounamu: E wha Tae Availabel
Raro o te Pounamu: Matotoru Raro Kaore e paheke me te Wera
Kāhua Māmā
He maamaa, he maamaa te hoahoa Tough and Tough
Kāhua Māmā Mou anake
Te Tinana Pounamu: Pounamu Porotakaro me te Hoahoa Plaid
Pounamu Pounamu: E wha Tae Availabel
Raro o te Pounamu: Matotoru Raro Kaore e paheke me te Wera